Green tea has many health-boosting properties such antibacterial and antioxidant. Green tea is even rumored to help with weight loss. Many studies have been done on the effects of green tea consumption and cancer prevention. It has been shown that drinking green tea is associated with protection against a variety of human cancers. This is mainly due to components in green tea, which …

11 Alternatives to Running on a Treadmill
Is running on the tread mill starting to make you feel like a hamster on a giant wheel? If you said yes, I have some good news for you! Below are 11 heart pumping cardio exercises that you can use to free yourself of the hamster wheel! For a quick, high intensity cardio workout, do all …

Relaxation Yoga
Use this yoga routine to relieve stress and unwind, anytime. Yoga for relaxation may also lift your mood, reduce some anxiety, and help you to sleep better. To enhance your experience, you may wish to play some soft music while moving through these poses. Please share and like on Facebook, follow me on twitter, and subscribe …

Breaking News: Harvard Study Credits Eating Walnuts with Slowing Colon Cancer Growth!
Walnuts are filled with vitamins and minerals, like vitamin B6, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron. This makes eating walnuts a smart choice, that will give your body both nutrition and energy. Additionally, because they contain healthy fats, protein, and fiber, eating walnuts will also help you feel full and satisfied for longer, which makes them a useful food to help with …

A Mystical Practice with Practical Results new reasons to love yoga
There may be more to the ancient practice of yoga than you realize. Yoga is a form of exercise that has been around for about 5000 years, and for good reason. The practice of yoga combines controlled breathing, strength, balance, and flexibility, with focus & serenity. The combination of physical activity and tranquility delivers many …

Stress Relief in 4 Words
Take a Quiet Moment Allow yourself the pleasure of taking in the sunrise, or enjoying some of the beauty in the world. Get Yourself Some Rest Things seem to come into perspective after a good night’s sleep, and being well-rested can give you the fortitude to handle difficult situations with more ease. Get in …

Tight & Toned Summertime Buns, Thighs, and Calves
This workout is a great way to strengthen and tone your lower body. Strength training has been associated with better bone health, alleviating arthritis pain, and giving your joints improved support. Here’s another bonus – adding this workout to your weekly fitness routine will help you rock those jeans and shorts this summer! This workout doesn’t include …

Toned Tank Top Arms & Shoulders
If you’ve been following my blog, you already know about the number of benefits you gain by adding strength training to your weekly exercise schedule. If you would also like to look great in a tank top this summer, you’ll want to include the following upper body routine. This routine focuses on your arms and …

The Amazing Tomato
Tomatoes. Whether they’re sliced in a sandwich, chopped into a salad, pickled, stewed, or cooked into our pasta sauces and condiments, we love ’em. And why not? They’re delicious, versatile, and one of the best health-boosting foods that you can put into your body. Brimming with Nutrients Tomatoes are chock full of vitamins and minerals. …

5 Strength Training Insights, and Which Weights to Use
Why Strength Training? Strength training is an important part of any workout program for several reasons. When practiced regularly, strength training, also known as resistance training, will build strong muscles and improve your physical power, and endurance. Importantly, it also can do so much more for you. Strength training helps prevent bone loss and may …